Monday, January 14, 2013

Golden Globes 2013 - The Stuff "They" Don't Talk About

This is not a fashion review. 
"They" know who's wearing who.

Nor is it a movie or television critique. 
"They" live to advise you.

 It is, the hit list of items and moments in my view last night.

Helen Mirren, though her hair looked great....
("They" said that too.)

I noticed, that Moet Champagne Sipper !
yep, that's what they're called - Sippers

A dealer in the UK, and their listing on Ebay, shows the sipper in black with gold,
not Golden Globe gold with white.

All "They" talk about is The Red Carpet 

And I notice.... 

Giant White Heat Lamps !
I told you size scale does matter - see ?  "They" say that too....

Helena Bonham Carter (Les Miserables)
and Lorne Micheals (Saturday Night Live)

"They" say, a lot of business gets done during Golden Globe commercial breaks.....

I hope she said, "Yes".  To his request for her to Host SNL!

this begins the HBC to Host SNLCampagne Champain  Campaign

Cheers!  Linda   :-)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Color Hit

Short and SWEET

Original artwork (left and right) by my niece Marissa - these are "old".   She creates so rapidly her technique is always changing and when she sends me more, I'll share them with you!

Painted firewood via the blog Slim Paley.  Her post "Fully Saturated" is an involved trip through Colorland - you should visit there!

Click over to my post "Please Don't Light The Fire" to further scratch your decorative wood itch.

Cheers!  Linda  :-)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ikea Hackers OH My!

Wandering through Ikea Hackers I discovered a remarkable (as in talented and patient) Hacker and his inventive Hyllis Catwalk                       

This man LOVES his cat!

If I ever have another cat I would love to create a Cat Walk.... 

And after expending the effort to build this purrfect one, if I ever saw Kitty on the floor - EVER on the floor - EVER AGAIN on the floor, I don't know what I'd do.

 Hyllis Shelving System from Ikea
Larger but out of focus

This designer says that one $14.99 shelving unit
will give your Pussy an 8 foot length of elevated heaven.

He also lists the parts needed for just one of the
beyond numerous hanging poles: Each hanging pole will require: 1 threaded bolt, 1 toggle bolt, three washers, three nuts. You will also need some sort of light weight board to place inside each Hyllis shelf (the shelves are flipped upside down and the boards placed inside them). I used cheap particle board. You will also need some low adhesive spray and lots of drawer liner for the final grip pads on the walk.

Did you read that?  He cut individual particle board "fillers" for each galvanized metal shelf.

And then he put grip pads (don't cats naturally have those?) all along the way....

See where Kitty is now?  There are 3 Ekby shelves and bracket sets so Pussy sits higher in the stairwell - how does she get there from the second floor?  Balance and agility?  Surely, the owner/designer has left out some other nifty project using Ikea parts on the other side of that half wall.

Were you just thinking, "Wow, this guy thought of every detail I would want in a Ceiling Mounted Cat Walk For The Home."

NO - He thought of MORE.....

The glow is coming from a mini rope light all along the sky walk.  

Mood lighting, a cat lover, and precisely handy...
Jason from Texas - I hope you win Ikea Hack of 2012.

Reader - you can vote here and read about the other 9 nominees.
I don't have the energy to look at the others..... my creative mind is fulfilled right here.

You heard me.  Stay up there and enjoy yourself, there is no good reason for you to be on the floor again.  EVER.

Cheers!  Linda   :-)


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