Monday, May 21, 2012

Rogers Gardens Nursery In Newport Beach, California

The Saturday of Mother's Day Weekend ....

Mom was visiting and we planned to visit 3 of my favorite garden nurseries.  We ended up spending our entire day (happily and creatively over stimulated) at Rogers Gardens Nursery in Newport Beach (California).

If you have never been, you'll now recognize it as a "horticultural amusement park"!

Potted Bay Laurel with sedum pave'  below.

Sedum pave' detail

My favorite style of water feature is the drippy kind,
where the pump and water reservoir are below the gravel.

Granite with drippy "bubbler"        view 1
view 2

 3 planters grouped as a drippy "bubbler" water feature.
River rock and black mondo grass at the base.

Dramatically oversized pedestal-saucer planter!

Close up view 1
Close up view 2

We plan on must replace fencing and retile the pool, so this planter is not on my "must buy" list.

But,  I will use the center plant (forgot to get the name) in our garden
this way ....

Fortunately, our wires are buried in our neighborhood - unlike this very upscale area of
Newport Beach!

This plant has flax type leaves that move like grass in the breeze, making it really special! 

I am waiting until it is in stock in a 1/2 gallon size since our growing season is year round, and I hate to pay for "dirt" and dig big holes.  (our soil is all clay!)

A long view from the patio department.  (furniture,  pillows and table decor)

Hoping to be back in the garden soon!  

Hey Friends! come visit, and do my planting, while I stir our cocktails and point out where you should watch your step...

Cheers!  Linda   :-)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

And Then I Found Perspective

Do Not have sympathy for me - LAUGH with me at my accident!

Then send your sympathy and prayers and blessings to 
my "blogger friend" Linda at ....

We never EVER know what a day will bring, but if we stay in a place of Hope and Joy each day will be full of Goodness! 

Love to you all,  Linda   :-)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sympathy Please


I (finally) get motivated to accomplish some big projects, and now I'm down and out for 6 weeks...

Standing on this wall (which I have done 100's of times!removing that big "highway" shrub....

.... I adjusted my left foot and without realizing it, stepped off to (actually, past) the next level down.  Somehow, as I fell (like missing a stair or sidewalk curb) my body shifted to the right and I hit my back ribs onto the brick edge of the wall below.

Result:  breaking ribs 10 & 11 on my left side

Peculiar Ribs.—The first, second, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth ribs present certain variations from the common characteristics, and require special consideration.    via


The only Peculiar things I am dealing with now is the clicking/rubbing sensation at the breaks and the minor overdose of prescription pain killer!  (if needed, I will be cutting the single tablet in half next time)  Special consideration will have to be given to the rest of my skeletal structure, as I won't be surprised if I am "out of whack". 
 (Idiom  out of whack, Informal out of order or alignment; not inproper condition.)

So, there goes the progress in tackling other areas of the house as well - cleaning out the storage room three car garage, renting scaffold to paint the kitchen ceiling and planting all the newly nearly cleared garden spaces. 

Thanks to Daughter, (woo hoo!) that knoll now looks like .....

Location of accident - that little step down.

Hit my back on this lower wall and ended up on the lawn.

These plants will just have to wait ....

nearly iridescent sedum

Pineapple Guava

tag showing flowers of the Pineapple Guava
As my fireman neighbor said, "If you had been 15 feet off the ground you would not have fallen, because you would have been more careful."

The 3 neighbor men who gathered to assist Daughter in returning me to an upright stable position all insisted that we go to the emergency room (a 4 hour tour) for x-rays.

Just to be certain that my lung was not punctured. (yeah, that cinched it!)

What do you see?


The Old Woman or The Young Woman? 
I have always seen the Young Woman,
but today I feel like the Old Woman.

Thanking my lucky stars that "this too shall pass"!   Maybe forced procrastination will help break me of my natural stalling abilities?!

Linda   :-)

P.S.  My Sister just sent this photo of the wall standing gardener generation that proceeds me....

Mom  -  Today in Portland, Oregon (even after hearing about my fall!)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Projection Art - As Seen On Dancing With The Stars

I may have been in a Nordstrom store when I first stepped over a projected image on the aisle floor.

I do not recall if it was an logo advertisement or artwork enhancing the buying season,  but I do remember rubbing my foot on it (thinking it may be a decal).  And then spinning slowly around as I looked up into the ceiling attempting to discover the source.  (I don't think I ever did find it.)

As it happens, these are called GOBO, for "Go Between" or "Goes Before Optics".  And now you see them on mall floors with moving images entertaining small children (and adults like me) like cats chasing a spot from a flash light.

Another fascination for me are the television graphics used during football games (marking the first down line) and recently The Kentucky Derby (showing the mile marker).  These are enhanced versions of chroma key or "green screen".   see more here

You have likely been to an event (or seen one on tv) similar to ....

via Kinetic Lighting Inc
I love how the GOBO blends the decor with the architecture making this a magical space.

This spectacually large tent is further transformed into an entrance which builds the excitement of the arrival!
via Kinetic Lighting Inc

Or take an internationally iconic building and create art ......

via UK lighting artist Ross Ashton

Dancing with the Stars is the latest great impression of these lighting techniques to catch my attention!

William & Cheryl
These animated "boxes" scrolled towards the camera.

Donald & Peta
Same wooden dance floor (in case you're not a viewer) covered in money.

Giant flowers

Katherine & Mark
Kinetic colored rectangles

Oriental carpet for the "belly dance" inspired performance.

These floor designs were used for the semi-final level of competition. 

 The eliminated couple, Maria & Derek, did not use GOBO in their two dances.  Hmmm.

Cheers!  Linda    :-)

(Design In My View original fare poor quality photos captured from our HD television screen.)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What An Entrance! K.I.S.S.

Great architecture is always fun to work with - I can imagine how new elements may have been added to this entry foyer.

misplaced photo credit - so so so sorry - let me know & I'll update!

New Elements   (possibly... )

1 - Gotta be (guess I'm quite certain about some things... ) a new marble floor - Three shades (light, medium & dark) of marble make this diagonal pattern look as if it was woven.      

2 - Color - Teal (close?) on the exterior side of the door.
                  Fuchsia on the victorian style settee.
                  Chocolate walls (looks like dark chocolate, at least 60% cocoa), milk chocolate trim on the stairs, set off with white chocolate (make sure there is a bit of brown in this white choice - it will still look white just not icy white - brrr)

Original Elements   (likely... )

Door and Windows, Bannister, size of foyer and ceiling height.

Please Notice    (I said please, you do have a choice!)

Height of the chandelier is at an imaginary first storey height which gives a cozy proportion to the other furnishings.

Settee, and wall decor are centered on the window and door "opening" (the width of their combined dimensions).  This design fills the proportion of the foyer floor (that rectangular space with the marble weave).

Starburst mirror is centered on the end wall further emphasizing the foyer seating area.

Mix ornate pieces like the chandelier, settee and wall shelves WITH modern abstract paintings, tiger stripe pillows and the "on trend" starburst mirror.  

So much for keeping it simple ....stupid got carried away!  (It happens.)

Cheers!  Linda    :-)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Albert Hadley's One Kings Lane Estate Sale - Review

What's in your closet and junk drawers and waay back in that
 special storage closet?
What kinda cash would it bring at a sale?
If your lucky, 10% of retail.

Iconic Interior Designer Albert Hadley is clicking his heavenly heels as his truly collectable and other special junk was sold for (in most cases) much more, than he probably paid for it, just because he chose the item for his personal homes.    Not that there is anything wrong with that!

Here are my favorites (but they were sold - nutz!) and pieces I am inspired by, but would NEVER pay these prices for them.  Sorry.  Just wouldn't!

Copy These Ideas!

6 Painted hangers

Slip covered double bed-black linen with red piping
Hadley's NYC apartment bedroom

Ebonized dining chairs with silk upholstery
described as worn, chipped, torn & stained
NYC apartment

Items from Hadley's 
Southport Connecticut Cottage

wood wall brackets 9" h x 8"w x 5"d  $1799
Please, make it yourself or find it at a better price - anywhere.

Most sentimental, and a fair value ...
 Painted Tole & Gilt Bread Box 13.5" x 9.75" x 9.75"
marked HB Grubbs, Cracker Co., Nashville
first belonged to Hadley's Grandmother

I have never seen anything like this before (I like it!) - but I'll keep looking...
Plaster Rams Head wall vase 13" x 20"  $1199
Best Buy .....

Slatted Wood Outdoor Settee 61" x 29"  $949
attributed to Munder-Skiles, American 20th century
Southport Connecticut Cottage
I love benches settees and have never seen this style - I might have paid for this because it's great looking AND belonged to A.H., but I hate shipping costs.

Items from Hadley's NYC Apartment

Paper Collage by George Sugarman 1958
46" x 31"  $6199
from Hadley's bedroom
Imagine, HE chose it for his bedroom!

Best Buy....

Wool leopard printed rug w/red binding  5'10" x 4'6"  $949
NYC apartment

Collect This!
1970's metal side chair  15" x 15" x 45"h   $2399
featured in "Albert Hadley: The Story of America's Preeminent Interior Designer"  by Adam Lewis
page 219   Kips Bay 2001
(detail) "Ants In Your Pants" fabric by Robert Yoh
NYC apartment kitchen

But, don't ever recover it!  You'll lose it's apparent value as soon as you make any
changes to it ...

"Parking Lot" (corner of Spring Street & Hudson Street)
by Dennis Krukowski,  photograph of the work of street artist Richard Hambleton
commissioned by Hadley,  circa 1983
21" x 31"  $3499
Gaga Crazy for this!  Only going to appreciate in value.
Wonder if it is staying in NYC?

Original (one of a kind) Drawings by Albert Hadley

My favorite, and worth the money ...
pencil and ink 8" x 5"  $475
Drawing Room & French Chandelier

Best Buy ...
8.5" x 6.75"  $185
1940's  Lady Lounging 
Gotta love the open window!

Best Landscape and Celebrity Connection ...
"Proposed Idea for Entrance Detail, Mr & Mrs Maury Povich - Middletown, N.J."  1992
signed AH
8.5" x 11"   $249 

"Mrs. Maury Povich"  ah, Connie Chung!  "Locustwood" is a 1832 Greek Revival Manor that the Povich's had on the market in 2010 for $2.3 million.  You can see the listing photos here.

Cheers!  Linda    :-)

Friday, May 4, 2012

911 F.Y.I. Regarding Albert Hadley's Collections

Albert Hadley's estate to be sold on One Kings Lane

Posted on Friday, May 04, 2012.

The Albert Hadley Estate Sale will launch tomorrow May 5 and will feature more than 500 items from legendary interior designer Albert Hadley's homes in New York and Connecticut.

A selection of some of the items/objects that will be included in the sale.  

From furniture and decorative accessories to original sketches and personal treasures, the three-day sale will offer people a glimpse into Hadley’s renowned work and accomplishments, as well as his personal style. 

This will be fun to shop through
before The Derby starts!

Cheers!  Linda   :-)
I have purchased many items from OKL and have been pleased with most... the descriptions and photo views are often incomplete and usually there is no opportunity for returns.  b.b.w.


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