Friday, October 26, 2012

Owls - Nature Designed

Now in fashion again since the late 1960's, 
they are back in a big way! 

Maybe they were never completely OUT,
as you'll see they are available in all matters and materials.
 If you find a vintage owl even better.  (my opinion)

Barn Owl    via

Art Deco Plaster marked with the seal of the Library Congress
via 1st Dibs  offered by Drake
These Bookends are replicas (bearing a Library of Congress stamp) of the carved stone pair standing at the entrance to the Library of Congress's John Adams Building.  (seen below)

white patinated metal               via 1stDibs
offered by Talisman

carved stone   1st Dibs

alternate view

RSH a catalog boutique

1891 Doulton tobacco jar  $1250
  1st Dibs offered by Tom Stansbury Antiques

1880-1891 Doulton tobacco jar  $2900
1st Dibs offered by Jonnys Antiques LTD

Which collectible tobacco jar 
would you choose?

Viva Terra

by Two's Company via The Jungle Store

hand puppet by Folkmanis
via The Jungle Store

PJ Salvage via Melange 4 Women
My absolute favorite on line clothing store.
They wrap your order like a gift, include a handwritten thank you note and a small candy, and shipping is FREE for orders over $75 !

made by (and for) Knitwits
via The Jungle Store

Cast Iron Trivet  via RSH  catalog

Plate Set
Pottery Barn
Lanterns   via Pottery Barn

Ceramic Luminary   via Pottery Barn

Quite HUGE !                    (Salt glaze?)       
Spotted in Newport Beach, CA at The Find Consignments.

via 1st Dibs
Pair of cast iron Victorian andirons with glass eyes.

Beautiful year round and perfectly spooky nearing Halloween!

1950's painting oil on board $750
1st Dibs offered by Bridges Over Time

Hootie Hoot Cheers!  Linda   :-)


  1. Karen
    I remember when owls were many years ago (ahem) I was but a child :-) There are some pretty examples in your post. The library of congress owls would be great.
    Have a great weekend.
    Karen at Garden, Home and Party

    1. You're so funny, of course we were but small tiny observant children! :-)

      Visiting my Mom this summer I noticed she had featured an owl print from waaay back in her bed room... I recalled exactly where and when she had purchased it. Design mind like a TRAP.


      And thank you for commenting on my Beach Steps post too. :-)

  2. What a shame I got to your post so late. I went to order the white ceramic one from PB for my daughter who loves owls and it was sold out!

  3. I really love owls they give off such an assured vibe like everything is right in the world if they are around. In the vineyards around here they attract them with food so they will get rid of the mice. I am loving that first Dibs one and the knitted one is gorgeous!

    1. We have a few in our neighborhood - they can be quite loud (maybe a true screech owl?) - but I know they are doing such good work. They must also be a sign of a healthy ecosystem!

      Your posts recently have been "off the hook" F U nny! :-)

  4. I've noticed here in the UK owls appearing on sweaters, pendants and as home accessories. I love your selection especially the trivet and the Pottery Barn lantern too - cute. It was a lovely surprise this morning to see that I had a new follower - thank you and for your detailed comment too. I've just been looking at your varied posts and I've decided to follow your lovely blog too.

    1. miss b, Thank you for becoming one of a few Followers who have pushed me over the 20 mark.

      A momenta's time! :-)

  5. I love owls! They bring me back to my 70s childhood and all the macrame ones. I think the Pottery Barn ones are pretty cute. My favorite thing though is the pjs! I'm going to check out that site. I love anyplace that sends a note and candy!

    1. Let me know what you think of Melange4Women.

      It is fun to recall images from childhood - especially when the new items update our vision. Good to hear from you! :-)

  6. It's amazing how different animals go in and out of style!!! Owls are so cute.

    1. Hey hey Sherry!

      Happy Post Thanksgiving to you. :-)

      Looking forward to reading your post throughout this wonderful cozy season!


Hello! Your comments are the interaction I look forward to while writing my posts.
Cheers! Linda


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