Monday, April 23, 2012

Eggshell Veneer Update

Look how well my eggshell collection is .....

GROWING ! ! !   

Too bad the topiary is having to re-grow.

So, who out there is doing the REAL work and finding out how the heck I am going to create my eggshell veneer bookcase backboard?

The project, "eggshell découpage" a 26" x 32"
 backboard for this space.

I know you're out there - after all YOU'VE made this my second most popular post.  As of today, "I'm Do'in It - Eggshell Veneer" has 123 views.

  YES that's.... 1     2     3   as in, easy as!

AND, my post was "pinned" (see Pinterest)
 by Chrystal Sturm
Thank you!

So, let me us know what information and experience you have gained.  (while waiting for me to gather eggs)

We're all waiting for you to "lay it on us"!  (you are not surprised!)

Cheers!  Linda  :-)


  1. did you ever do it? I did one if you need advice. Its fun but very time consuming. pretty much a 6x6 inch spare will take 5 hours or so.

    1. Thank you Anon for commenting on both my eggshell veneer posts.

      I confess that I chickened out on taking the steps beyond saving the shells. The glass containers of shells on my kitchen counter became so numerous and overwhelming (nearly chirping at me) and I knew if I moved the collection to the craft room/unorganized garage it would be lost and forgotten - so I tossed them out.

      Will you tell me your methods? I will begin collecting shells again! Thank you. :-)


Hello! Your comments are the interaction I look forward to while writing my posts.
Cheers! Linda


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